dijous, 28 d’agost del 2008

Welcome home

Welcome home Judit!! I really think that we will need 4 months so that you explain us all you have passed to United States this 2 months !!! We had many desires to have yourself among us, and as reader and main commentator of the blog, today the post is for you.

Crec que després de dos mesos allà llegiràs això més ràpid del que jo ho he escrit segur! jajajaja Fins aviat Serra, ens devem un soparet.


3 comentaris:

David Hidalgo ha dit...

Cullons! Jo hagues tardat... bueno no hagues escrit ni 4 paraules amb coherencia xD Benvinguda Serra!

Anònim ha dit...

thanks again!!
it's true. I could talk hours and hours... and don't stop in three days!
and in the other hand, I want listen your summer!

definitely... we need to have a dinner!
aquest weekend... encara que sigui diumenge o quan sigui!

m´ha encantat aquesta dedicació del blog!! i tambe que vinguessiu a casa aquesta tarda!!!

un abraçada i mls petonetss!!!


j torna la teva lectora diariaa!! jajaja

Afontcu ha dit...

Nice to have you again here in our country, Judit!! :) Hope you've been happy in USA.

See you in the Sant Feliu's great party? =)

:P Ja va bé repassar una miqueta d'anglès!